When I stumble upon someone, and tell them that I am a broadcast journalist, people tend to focus on the whole “being on camera” aspect of the job.
From what I have witnessed, people are quick to say they would like to be on television without knowing what exactly goes into it. Yes, expensive cameras and high-tech editing software make a newscast more flashy and visually appealing, but it is the *words* being said that are at the root of broadcast journalism.
People should focus less on the “broadcast” element of broadcast journalism, and more on the “journalism” part. Journalism is the number one aspect that goes into creating a newscast, otherwise the news would be an over-produced reality show of some sort.
Simply put, the words matter most.
Broadcast journalists operate just like print journalists, expect with more equipment. We go out, interview experts on a topic, gather the public’s opinion, ask informed questions, fact-check material and present it to our viewers each night.
It is important to get the words right to convey the story correctly and to prevent people from misinterpreting what our interview subjects say. Leading up to showing our viewers a soundbite, it is my reasonability to frame it correctly. No, not just the camera shot, but to provide context on what the subject is speaking about. If I get my words wrong, I could misinform the public and lose credibility.
Alongside making my words accurate and informative, they must also be interesting and not repetitive.
I can often be seen Googling synonyms to popular words just to change my writing up a bit. Rather than saying “event” 25 times, I may say “gathering,” “function” or “experience.”
Rather than saying the person I interviewed “said” something over and over again, I might say they “provided context,” “gave us insight,” or “shared their opinion.” I must be picky with my words. For example, If I say they “believe” something I have already made a mistake. I must say that they “say they believe” something, as I can’t just jump inside their mind and see if they are being genuine.
Language is important, and people are quick to stop listening if I bore them; so, I must keep what I say fresh and unique while also accurate.
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