“Fake news.” You’ve heard the term before. Whether it comes from the U.S. President or angry Facebook users, its commonly used. The 2016 U.S. presidential race saw much divisiveness. In an effort to promote their campaigns and shift the blame on others, candidates pointed fingers at each other, which is much anticipated. What is less anticipated was President Trump’s description of much of the media as “fake news.” Trump used the term to refer to outlets such as CNN and MSNBC, those of which featured more liberal political commentators. The term “fake news” quickly became a common phrase during the election and continued into Trump’s presidency. During a 2017 press conference , the president told CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta, “Your organization’s terrible,” and “You are fake news." Using the term to refer to stories the president disagreed with, many in the general public now do the same. We live in a soc...